Revitaa Pro is unlike anything you’ve ever promoted, we guarantee it. What makes this offer so different from all the others is the key to all great offers - the hook!

Revitaa Pro is unlike anything you’ve ever promoted, we guarantee it. What makes this offer so different from all the others is the key to all great offers - the hook!

Revitaa Pro isn’t just another boring “fat burner” offer with the same tired old recycled pitch. We are the ONLY all natural stress reliever and weight loss support offer on CB.

And that’s what makes this offer so unique, our hook is all about helping people lose weight and get healthy by lowering stress levels.

Stress goes way beyond just weight loss and affects every single person. Meaning this bad boy doesn’t just crush it with the diet crowd but also connects with much broader audiences.

Simply put, it doesn’t fatigue and scales much longer than regular diet offers!

  • Over $7 EPCs (no really we’ve seen it)
  • Aov consistently over $300
  • Potential to make over $600 in commission with just ONE sale
  • Front end conversion rates are ridiculously high (I’m talking willie nelson high), not to mention we have a whopping 40%+ take rate on upsells and a HUGE backend recurring revenue funnel
           Bay Now

Rev Share
Commission Structure

Default Commision starts out at 72% but we offer up to 80% for volume affiliates.

Not sure if you’re a “volume” affiliate?

Just reach out to our affiliate team for a commission bump request and we’ll see if you qualify for 80% commission.

CPA (cost per acquisition) Commission Structure

Are you interested in a CPA commission structure?

Reach out to our affiliate team ( and we will work with you on an individual basis in determining your set CPA commission rate!

The more sales you get, the more data we’ll have in giving you the absolute max payout possible when it comes to your set rate




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